Comparison is the Enemy of Happiness!!

Hello Everyone!!

I welcome all the readers here!!

Another article of the day! Today i'll gonna write about that thing which is very common in anybody and which can become a biggest self destruction for anyone. So, the topic of the day is "Comparison is the enemy of happiness". Do you even know why there is a need to do comparison yourself with someone when you have the same ability & the same brain like the others. Guys i just want you to question yourself that why do you feel important to do comparison?. Comparison is the biggest enemy of your own. It gives you the feeling of a mediocre & just makes you unhappy & demotivated. Many of the people undertake comparison with someone's happiness, achievements, wealth, status, etc & in the end they lose their own identity & efficiency. So just want you to know about how this comparison is a enemy of happiness?

Consequences of doing comparison:-

1. Makes you unhappy for an indefinite time

When a person compares himself with someone, he become little conscious & worried about himself also. As at this stage he finally starts grabbing the feeling of mediocre & perhaps regards himself at the lower position from the others. So, when you actually got this feeling, this will makes you unhappy & worried for an indefinite time. Advice (Know your value)

2. Biggest Distraction

The biggest pitfall of doing comparison are the distractions. Comparison will divert your mind with the people with whom you are comparing yourself. And this will make you completely unfocused & becoming obsessed about the second person's life. So just believe in yourself & love the way you are.

3. It can make you jealous

The biggest barrier in the successful life of a person is jealousy. A person who is jealous will be unable to achieve anything in life because he is very well distracted from his own goals. So, if you compare your self with the others it might make u jealous & unfocused. Work on it from today!!

4. You will start losing your efficiency

When you are focusing on the others then how you will be able to perform "your" best? Try to work & start comparing you with yourself only because only this effort will give you the taste of happiness & motivation to do more & more. And also it will improve your efficiency & ability  in your own work field. So, it clearly define that doing comparison with the others affects your ability & efficiency to perform.

5. Less confident

Comparison just put an end to your self confidence. This will make you  nervous & unanswerable to the situations which could be easy for you since when you'd not compared yourself with anyone.

6. Stress

A person's biggest problem of life is to handle the stress. Stress is kinda normal these days as many people face it regularly. But this is also true that a person can remove his own mind stress by working on himself more & more. Like wise comparison also does the same thing by putting hatred & hopelessness into the mind of a person and which gives stress & tension.

So readers, these were some serious consequences which can be overcome by stopping comparison with the others. Comparing yourself with the past you & the current you is completely perfect as it is helpful also. But the same with the others is a kind of self destruction. So just stop comparing yourself with the others today!! And trust me you are a better version of yourself!! I hope you guys have enjoyed the reading.

Thank you!!


  1. Lovely advice. Thanks for writing to us.

  2. I must appreciate the deep thoughts that you've penned down here. It's so insightful and really makes you deep-dive and spiral your mind into thinking, do we really need to compare ?
    Keep it up.

  3. Very informative article.. thanks for sharing.

  4. Avoid the green monster (envy) and you'll be much happier

    1. Indeed!!πŸ’―
      Also Thanks for Reading & commenting your thoughts down😊✌

  5. Great post! I especially liked the point that is okay to compare ourselves to our past selves but is harmful to compare ourselves to others.
    “Be yourself, everyone else is taken” -Oscar Wilde

  6. Great post! I agree it can be beneficial to compare ourselves to our selves, but detrimental to compare ourselves to others.
    “Be yourself, everyone river is taken.”
    -Oscar Wilde

  7. I agree, comparison give us stress..

    1. Yeah, we should make a proper distance from it✌
      Also thanks for reading & sharing your wonderful reviews😊😊


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