Self Love Can Never Be Selfish!! Why Self Love is Important??

Hello Everyone!!

I wish you all are happy and safe at your homes!! Some people may think that self love is a practice of selfish people. But, that`s not actually right. So, Today i will be writing about self love that can never be selfish and how much importance it takes in our life. Before starting, we need to understand what is self love? 
Self Love means taking care of your own needs, thinking about your self, and nourishing your self and fulfill the dreams.  This practice is all about making your own happiness. 

So now we clearly understood the meaning of self love. Now the point is how it can never be selfish?? People may compare the self love with a selfish activity but that not quite true. Self love is really really different from selfishness. Though Selfishness refers to taking up the advantage without really care about others. In self love people may fall for you but in selfishness people will maintain a distance from you. Because people really don`t like the selfish ones. Self love will actually ride you towards your goal because it helps you in your nourishing and the people will really appreciate you on your result, while on the other hand selfishness may create negative thoughts and jealousy in your mind. Loving your self is not selfish. It is offering an indirect love, in a way that you fulfill it within yourself first. While on the other hand selfishness always put the need first and it involves taking up the advantage first whether with the wrong way. But self love is very very different from it because it really never involves the wrong way to go through the goal. It is all about making your self, loving your self, taking care of your own needs, filling the needy gaps and much more. Hence now it clearly makes sense that self love can never be selfish.
So guys now i will tell you that how much a practice of self love took importance in our life.

Here are the Importance of Self Love:

1. Achievement of Goal:

Practice of self love will really help you in achieving your goal because if you love yourself, you will definitely think about your self and you will work on your self, and try to put efforts in your schedule to achieve the goal. And one day this practice will make you efficient and you will reach your goal easily.

2. Improvement in Lifestyle:

How you think, how you look, how you talk and how you walk, everything will be improved by your self love. As it will nourish yourself and completely improve your lifestyle. 

3. Knowing Yourself: 

Knowing your weaknesses, strength are so useful to face the situations. If you know about your weaknesses and strengths that means you already know your next move. Knowing your self is very significant task because no one can know you better except you. So knowing yourself will be easy if you are a self lover.

4. Enjoying your Own Company:

Why would i need a company of others, if i have my own??
So guys keep this feeling in your mind and do anything that makes you happy instead of expecting others to make you feel happy. If you are happily enjoy your company then you can easily handle the most difficult situations because at the end you will learned how to keep calm your self in the situations.

So friends this is how i proved that self love is not really selfish and how much place it actually takes in our life. Hope you have enjoyed the reading!!

Thank you!!


  1. wow... beautiful article.

  2. Very revealing and well written.

  3. Great post keep it up
    Visit my blog and comment

    1. Thank you๐Ÿ˜Š
      And of course i will go through it..

  4. I love this topic so much in your article because I just recently had a conversation with my teenage daughter on how important this is! I shared this post with her, I hope she understand better after reading it.

    1. Thank you So much๐Ÿ˜Š
      That means a lot๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. Nice topic you choose to write and share, it is being important to love your self only because when you love yourself you will know how to give love other people.

    1. Agreed with you๐Ÿ˜Š
      Also Thank you so much for Reading๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. self love is indeed very important

    1. Yes it is...
      Also thank you for reading๐Ÿ˜Š

  7. VERY NICE ...
    PLEASE VISIT my blog

    1. Thanks and ofcourse i will visit your site๐Ÿ˜Š✋

  8. Love this post!! Self love is really important, because it helps us get ahead of low self-esteem and depression, too.


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