Ever Tried Self Hypnosis??

 Hello Everyone!!

I hope you all are happy and safe! It is a very happy typing because i am doing blog after a long time. So guys, today i will gonna write about a very interesting topic which is self hypnosis. This technique is very useful and anybody can practice this technique except the person who have serious mental issues. So, before going to self hypnosis, lets understand what is hypnosis??. Hypnosis is basically used to calm and direct the minds of human beings. Hypnosis are mainly done by the professional therapists who perfectly knows the benefits and losses of hypnosis. It is a human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion. People who feel lack of  interest or happiness in their life, who are mentally ill or if they have some other mental reasons, stress anxiety,etc mainly chose for hypnosis therapy.

What is Self Hypnosis?

Self hypnosis or Auto hypnosis is a technique which is done by the individuals for their self relaxation, meditation and self satisfaction. This technique can be done by anyone because it's a self used technique and it doesn't required any therapist. It can be the most empowering practice as you learn to have better control on your thoughts and reactions while enjoying the physical and emotional benefits of the relaxation that is typical of self hypnosis techniques.

Why Self Hypnosis?

Self hypnosis is a means of learning to focus yourself, motivate yourself, be more self aware about the surroundings. Let us assume if a person is willing to do something in his life but he is unable to kickstart himself towards his goal, So what he will do??  He will start losing hope on that and will become depressed and stressed. But if that same person will power up his mind and make a believe that he have to do, then the same person will become capable to work on himself. Both are the same situations but the main difference is a kickstart and power up. So these things will only be achieved when a person is able to keep the distractions out from his mind and starts doing self motivation, self focusing. So, this Self hypnosis practice can help a person to achieve what he want to achieve.

How to Use it??

Self hypnosis videos can be easily searched on internet. You can also search and select best instructional videos of self hypnosis on you tube. And also you can follow the following steps


1. Relaxation- You will get a ultimate state of relaxation after using this technique. 

2. Fights Stress and Anxiety-  Self hypnosis is all about self suggestion, self correction and self improvement. It will definitely help you to fight with your stress and anxiety disorders.

3. Helps in quitting bad habits- If you will think and made a decision that you want to quit this specific habit then definitely at that time, your sub conscious mind will make a mark of that word and will help you to become more logical at that state and automatically you will start hating your bad habits.


1. Indecisive- Overuse of it make you become indecisive in your tasks.

2. Mental Illness- It can cause mental illness if someone is using it not rightly, it can also disturb and affect your brain.

3. Sleepy- Self hypnosis will make you more relaxed and  more sleepy. Use it when you have completed all your tasks.

So guys, these were some useful things and drawbacks of self hypnosis.

Note:- 1. Do not try self hypnosis when you have any mental issues.

2. Always try to do this practice at the peaceful and comfortable place.

3. Practice it to bring goodness in yourself.

Thank You!!


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