Famous Artists of India and Their Paintings!!

Hello Everyone!!

I wish you all are happy and safe at your homes!! Today, you will not read this post like a article but you will feel like that you are visiting a virtual art museum. Because today, i`ll gonna show you some famous arts by the famous legend artists of India. Though the life of an artist was never be easy, because what they struggled in both past and present can never be compared with others. Art is a way of seeing the world, it is a way of expression, often sometimes a compulsion.

So, before taking you to the famous paintings, i would like to give respect to all the artists because they really struggles a lot in their life, RESPECT!!. So, lets start guys, i am sharing with you the bestest paintings in India by our indian legend artists.

Here are the famous artists and their famous paintings:

1. Maqbool Fida Hussain

Maqbool Fida Hussain better known as M.F. Husain  (Born in 17 September, 1915) and (Died in 9 June, 2011)as an Indian artist known for executing bold, vibrantly coloured narrative paintings in a modified cubist style. He was one of the most celebrated and internationally recognized Indian artists of the 20th century.

Lets take a look on his legendary paintings.

British Raj

Women Playing Sitar

2. Tyeb Mehta

Tyeb Mehta (25 July 1925 - 2 July 2009) was an indian painter, sculptor and film maker. He was a part of the Bombay Progressive Artists Group and the first post colonial generation of artists in India. 

Lets take a look on his famous Art work.

Famous Sculpture

3. Paresh Maity

Paresh Maity was born in 1965, Tamluk - a small town in West Bengal - of great antiquity with a remarkable heritage of terracotta art. While in school he use to made clay images of gods and goddesses and sold them to earn money for his education.

Lets take a look on his famous paintings.

A touch of class

A work on paper

4. Ramkinkar Baij

Ramkinkar Baij (Born in 25 May, 1906) and (Died in 2 August, 1980) studied at the Kala Bhavan, Vishwa Bharati University, Santiniketan in 1925. he disregarded norms and artistic standards of the university and worked in a more spontaneous manner. He was an Indian sculptor and painter, he is one of the pioneers of modern Indian sculpture and a key figure of contextual Modernism.

Lets take a look on his Famous Art Work.

A worshipping women

Sculpture by Ramkinkar Baij

5. Ram Kumar

Ram Kumar was an Indian artist and writer (Born in 23 September,1924) and (Died in 14 April,2018) who has been described as one of India`s foremost abstract painters. He was associated with the progressive artist`s group with greats like M.F. Husain, Tyeb Mehta. He is said to be one of the first Indian artists to give up figurativism for abstract art. 

Lets take a look on his paintings.

Men and Women Together

In search of lost times

So Guys these were some beautiful arts by our legend artists of India. Hope you have enjoyed the article.

Thank You!!


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